Is Celia Farber OWNED by the Deep State?
I'm an Anonymous Russian Computer Expert. I have x3 sources of documented evidence, and a Plumber's $20 Bill. How can anyone be trusted?
Guest Author: Anonymous Retired Russian Computer Expert
To all of Celia's regular readers, please hear me out, I promise you’ll be enlightened if you can make it all the way through.
But first, I will unequivocally prove that Celia Farber is owned and controlled by the deep state.
Allow me to explain in detail:
$10,000,000,000,000.00 is spent on “health care” each year. (10 Trillion Dollars).
It's a very gross estimate, it fluctuates year to year, but whatever. For the sake of the argument that I'm making, (that Celia Farber and Jon Rappaport are deep state spies), let's just keep things simple at “10 trillion”.
You read that right. Rappaport is also a deep state spy. You'll see. Mad yet?
It gets worse.
People really need to reexamine what 10 trillion actually means. Most of us aren’t arrogant Russian computer experts like myself. Normal people get lost in their minds when dealing with these ridiculously big numbers. It can be daunting to comprehend from an everyday lay person’s perspective, unless you think about it like this:
I used to make around $100,000 per year, just before retiring at 74. Pretty good right? (I warned you that I’m arrogant). It’s not quite “doctor money”, but it’s good money. The average American makes around $50K. But let's just stick with the $100,000/year figure.
Let's just say that you, me, Jon Rappaport, and Celia Farber are all professional plumbers earning $100,000/year.
Ok. So now you’re a successful plumber and you’re having a nice family dinner with your wife and kids. Suddenly, a little mouse darts across the kitchen floor. Your youngest child shrieks!
Darn it! We’ve got to take care of this little problem, because we can't have a mouse infestation in our cozy little home. Should we buy the old fashion snap-trap for $1? Maybe one of those new humane electrocution traps which cost $20?
“Mom! Dad! Get the one that won’t hurt the poor mouse!” cries the youngest child.
Ok. The $20 mouse trap isn't the end of the world with our budget. We realize that we make $100,000 a year, we can afford this, our youngest child feels so much better knowing that the mouse won't suffer.
So what's a “plumber's $20 bill” when compared to the deep state’s $10,000,000,000,000 per year of “income”?
It's $2,000,000,000 (2 Billion)
(And I forgot about taxes too! But it doesn’t really matter all that much. You’ll see.)
From the deep state’s Club Satan's vantage point, we're just four little mice in their mega-kitchen. Me, You, Celia and Rappaport. If one of us ever becomes a "problem", then they can just throw a "2 Billion Dollar Bill" at the problem, just as all of us lowly plumbers can throw a $20 bill at our little mouse “problem” with an electric mouse trap from the local hardware store.
Does this mouse really even stand a chance?
Don’t worry. It still gets worse.
We also know that Club Satan would never overspend on the humane mouse traps. Club Satan is greedy and inhumane by default! They wouldn’t even spend $1 to get the shitty old snap-traps. But they will spend 5 cents per mouse on bulk-purchased Made-in-China rat poison. Perhaps they might even splurge with 50 cents on a couple of extra-inhumane glue traps, (but those are only reserved for the more “problematic” mice of the Rappaport/Farber variety).
What's $1 to Club Satan? It's $100,000,000.
What's $1 to a plumber? It’s ONE FUCKING DOLLAR.
What's $1 to you?
THIS is why Jon and Celia are both CIA spies.
“[Changed my mind.]”
Ok. Perhaps I tricked some new readers with my sneaky little click-bait title, but it was worth it. Subscribe! Go Ahead! If you were actually insane enough to read this far, you’re gonna need some boostershots if you still wanna live. It’s also the only antidote for the poison you just swallowed, Dr Jones. And it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Jon and Celia are not deep state operatives in my humble opinion. But it’s possible they could be. Because we all could be.
So what if Club Satan offered Celia and Rappaport $100,000,000 each? What if they were both bribed to use their exceptional writing talents to secretly manipulate, confuse, lead astray, and deceive their readers, (or any new inexperienced young person who decides to seek truth for the first time?)
It only costs two “Plumber’s Dollars” for Club Satan to stop these two very pernicious rats from taking down their 10 trillion dollar “health” industry!
Hold on a second.
For Real?
Damn. Respect.
So I just found out that Jon and Celia won’t accept a $100,000,000. OK. Fine.
Club Satan just decided to spend a whole “$40” of our “plumber money” on these two trouble makers! There goes taco-tuesday this week. Oh well. Now we’ve got $2 billion a piece to bribe Rappaport and Farber with! That'll certainly make them come over to the dark side!
Or will it?
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]”
11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
Mathew 4:8
Farber and Rappaport are two great minds who’ve lived through a lot of life already, and I believe they're both way above this bribe, even at a $2 billion price tag. That’s my best guess. But I’m human, and therefore I must admit that I could be always be wrong about anything.
Celia and Jon just want the truth to come out, and most importantly, just like all of us in the truth community, they want the world to be a better place for our children, which is the reason they really ARE working for the Deep State. Club Satan.
Wait. What?
And this is where it gets dark. Please stay with me if you’ve made it this far. Light is on the way, I’ve saved it for the ending, but first, it’s still gotta get worse.
The Devil left him, and angels came and attended him…
But not permanently. The relentless Devil always returns, he’s always ready to infiltrate our minds during our weakest moments. Evil is always lurking.
“I can’t follow this thing. And I don’t care to. It feels dark.“
Satan wants us to “not care”. He wants us to “feel dark.” He wants us to NOT follow this “thing”. That “thing” is the truth. No matter how uncomfortable or even dangerous it can be, he’ll do what ever it takes to make us turn away from pursuing truth. Shame and despair are some of his favorite weapons to use against us.
We must continue to face this darkness if we're ever going to overcome this evil.
I’m certain that Jon and Celia can't be bought. But I’m certain other people can be.
Imagine if someone else had a 2 billion budget just to hurt one of your family members? They could hire an army of 1000 thugs doctors, and pay them each a 2 million dollars a piece for complicity in secret. Or they could hire an army of 1000 thugs, at $1 Million per thug, plus one of the best ex-military special operations guys who will meticulously plan the whole thing, along with a $1 Billion price tag to cover his “consulting fee” plus equipment rentals. What then?
If it were you in this situation, wouldn’t you eventually start vouching for the deep state? Is there any human alive who’s able to “resist” what these mega-rich monsters are actually capable of? What family member of yours would they have to get to in order to make you comply?
I can't speak to what Jon or Celia would do in these absolutely dreadful scenarios that linger in the darkest parts of our imaginations. I can’t go there. Jon's got a pretty good sized imagination. And while I hardly know anything about Celia yet, no one could achieve what she has done over all these years without thinking about some really dark truths.
I’m sorry I have to go here, I hate it too, buts its so necessary for us all to understand what we’re really up against. So lets just assume that everyone could work for the deep state. Me and you. Jon and Celia. Alex Jones. Porno Wagh, or who ever the hell she is.
Club Satan can do this to any of us whenever they feel like it. And it's only costs them a plumber's $20 bill. We can’t be so hard on ourselves when we are deceived or make mistakes. It’s going to happen. We’re a minority of humans standing up against unthinkable evil and power.
We will stop them when enough of us awaken.
$10 trillion isn’t enough money to stop the entire world turning against them. Not even fucking close. We got this if we stay focused. That $10 trillion is about to have a Georgia Guild Stones worthy reduction of about 90%. once this germ theory fraud is exposed to the masses.
(In the meantime, Boostershots will be providing continuous guidance, updates, and coverage from it’s heavily staffed news team, exclusively on Substack).
I'm normally an ultra dark pessimistic person, but I've been really inspired lately. Jon and Celia are part of that inspiration.
Jon for the last 2 years.
Celia for the last 2 weeks.
I’ve been quiet for decades, but I can’t stay silent anymore.
Enough of this black-pill depressing shit already!
I've intended for this article to be uplifting and positive! Now that that's all out of the way, let me bring in some light!
I've been binging on a lot of Celia's work very recently. She's legendary. All of her content is amazing. Except this:
This article really really really sucks. (I warned you that I’m an arrogant asshole computer expert right?)
So I just took the grossest liberty to edit this… very slightly, (still in English, even though I write much better in my own native language).
I'm also going to hack all of Celia's social media accounts and force-repost this new edited version. Remember, I'm Russian, and I can make shit like this happen. Stay tuned.
This is Substack right?
How Movements Die; They Become Sad. The Covid Truth Movement Has Probably Become Splintered by Infiltration And Accusation
How Movements Grow; They Become Inspired. The Truth Movement Is Gaining Strength as More Regular People Are Realizing that Germ Theory is the Greatest Deception of all Humanity.
Can It Regain Momentum and Morale?
Are We Finally Approaching a Real Tipping Point Due to a Mass Awakening?
Celia Farber Celia Farber and Celia Farber’s New Russian Editor. (Added sections will appear in bold)
Sep 1 Sep 3
“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”
Matthew, 12:25
I was quite surprised to see Steve Kirsch published a Substack article last night titled:
Sadly, it was quite predictable that Steve Kirsch would publish a Substack article last night titled:
“Eric Coppolino exposes Poornima Wagh as a fraud.”
“Poornima says she has two PhDs in virology and the virus doesn’t exist. She’s lying about both.”
Steve Kirsch article here. Eric Coppolino’s article here.
I read both, and many of the comments. The attacks against Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys, and especially Jon Rappoport, who I have known since the 1980s, were just strange. are perfectly in line with Steve's weakening false narrative that he is desperately trying to uphold for his masters. It’s crystal clear from Steve’s own comment sections that his efforts to deceive his intelligent readers are falling flat, as his intuitive reader base is swiftly turning on him in increasing numbers.
I think Steve is confused. purposely deceptive, calculating, relentless, and willing to continue lying as if his life depends on it. Because it probably does. The veil has now been lifted for all to see.
None of these people are “camera-shy.” Rappoport hosted a show on Infowars for years. I thought they wanted to debate Steve Kirsch.
The leaders of the our truth movement are rightfully wary to go on camera with Steve Kirsch, especially after what we all witnessed with Christine Massey. This dilemma must be further explored and analyzed. Boostershots has informed me that his entire news team will tackle this issue head on in just a few days, exclusively right here on Substack.
I can’t follow this thing. And I don’t care to. It feels dark.
Sometime I get down on myself. Because I’m human. Sometimes I get things wrong. Sometime I get deceived. It happens to the best of us. I don't enjoy swimming in this ocean of evil and corruption one bit. But I'm going to keep using my God given talents and continue to exposing the lies, I’m going to keep revealing the truth to world, and keep inspiring new young people who haven't fully awakened yet. I've been a leading investigative journalist who’s been at the forefront of this war against humanity for decades. Many regular people are discovering my work for the first time, and finally waking up to the truth. They're using their voices, they're talking with family members, they're changing their lifestyles, they’re even starting their own independent blogs on Substack. I'm blessed to have the ultra intelligent reader base who consistently challenges and supports me.
According to William Huston, Eric’s “brutal takedown” was months in the making, and as many as 15 “skilled researchers on three continents worked on it.”
I’m a paid subscriber to Coppolino’s work; I know him, I like him, I think he’s very dynamic and brilliant and has outstanding style and flair.
He could run a journalism academy if such things still existed. We’ve had our clashes, but he’s my friend and ally.
Here’s our interview.
On a personal note, Eric gifted me a jumper cable for my old Subaru that saved my life many times last winter—he’s like that. Generous and kind of flamboyant and fun and warm. I love his head scarves, colored glasses, and Sicilian flair for heavy rings.
He’s always been generous about my work and its meaning, and I’ve been on his show, and found him very professional. I love his comedic segments about PCR and “Christian Drosten’s In Silico monster.” I consider him the lead pack dog deconstructing this Covid PCR techno blob- and his interviewing skills are outstanding. Great thinker, writer, broadcaster, investigator, and journalist.
But this I just do not get.
I get it. Eric actually did the truth community a huge favor. It's ugly and unfortunate that a lot of people were deceived, but we are better off now that the lie is exposed. We've seen this tactic before and we'll see it again. And again. And again. It's what Club Satan does. It's they're playbook. As experienced truth leaders in the community, we expect this to happen. We’re always on the look out for this type of deception. So if you’re new to all of this, don’t allow their planned scandals and false narratives to lead you astray. Even if you fall for them from time to time. Admit you were wrong when you are deceived, and keep pursuing the truth at all costs.
I happened upon Dr. Lee Merritt’s interview with Poormina Wagh the other day, and was inspired and happy to hear two women talking about how disease happens, especially the parts about frequencies, Royal Raymund Rife, and so forth. I had no sense whatsoever that I was having my mind potentially hijacked by “controlled opposition.”
All of a sudden, Wagh was being exposed and taken down, by an investigative team with a very expansive budget, like things were done in the old days, decades ago. Like she was a public enemy, like she was Alger Hiss, and yet—surely she was… relatively obscure?
By all accounts Team Coppolino (strike) may be IS correct, but where is this taking us?
And who’s paying for all this? Why is it such a big deal? Why can’t Eric’s subscribers ask for other people to be investigated? Like, say….any number of the suddenly appearing Covid stars—I had never in 34 years of virus causation/pharma wars, heard of any of them, nor had any of us.
I don’t know who any of them are, to be honest. They mostly seem articulate, helpful, and pushing for truth.
How then, are we vulnerable, to “controlled opposition?”
Was Poormina Wagh set to become a super influencer, or eclipse the present set of Viruses-Don’t-Exist spokespersons? Was she going to be the new Bryan Ardis, or Jane Ruby? All I heard was a pretty down to earth conversation, in which Dr. Merritt was advancing her sense of how it all comes together, and it was a fruitful and engaging conversation. I also was interested to hear what Wagh had to say about Gandhi being a British Agent, from South Africa. Have you all listened to that?
Steve Kirsch does not like virus deniers, like Coppolino, et al, and they don’t like him.
I’m growing weary of writing this but my honest feeling is of something dying, and I have felt this before. Now everybody’s gonna be at each other’s throats, forever.
Why do I know that we're not gonna be at each other's throats?
Because despite our human flaws and errors, what unites all of us in this truth community is really just 3 simple things:
1. We know that we are being lied to by powerful forces who control the world.
2. We are forever in pursuit of truth.
2. We love our children, and we are fighting to save their future.
That’s all we need to fall back on if things get to crazy in our passionate debates and quest for truth. Sure, we've got a lot different viewpoints in a lot of areas. And? The world has already woken up to the fact that “conspiracy theories” are real and are everywhere. That’s progress. We’ve gained momentum. Rigorous open debate is a part of our truth community culture. We're not at each others throats as long as we are honest with ourselves and always in pursuit of truth.
It’s over. The movement is punctured and will soon be gangrenous.
[Changed my mind.]
I’m telling you—I’ve been through this before— when movements are corrupted by purification rites and lose their coherence, a kind of crumbling sets in. Can “truth” corrupt a truth movement?
NEVER. Truth never corrupts. Truth is absolute.
The opposition attempted to seize on this manufactured scandal, but they have utterly failed. Is one deep state planted fake doctor going to somehow stop germ theory from being exposed? Every scandal which gets exposed only gives us more strength. We are unstoppable so long as we have the freedom to talk to each other. Club Satan is going to have to shut down the whole internet eventually. We won't let that happen.
Celia, please have a White Russian. (Or maybe a margarita). I'm you're biggest fan now. Keep writing. Keep inspiring others like myself. Have a Boostershot.
This is a very complex and engaging piece, one I will have to read again to truly absorb. Funny and surprising. In all seriousness, I wanted to say this to you, to honor the fact you composed this.
I swear on my life I have never been offered any money to change my message or mind. I have known Jon since the 1980s. I know who he is. I mean I know 100% WHO he is. I don't know who MOST people (really) are.
Very funny & thoughtful.