Just testing if I have posting rights.

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Hey I do!

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Everyone does! Please know that you are ALWAYS welcome to comment the Boostershots blog freely. Your ideas, criticisms, and insults are always welcome.

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Not a problem.

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The belief that mammals breathe oxygen is intentionally retarding medicine.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air.

What is the physical parameter that defines oxygen?

Medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.

Oxygen is a dry flammable gas.

How is oxygen manufactured?

Air is dried of moisture and compressed repeatedly to reach the desired dryness.

Plants and trees obviously do not make oxygen! They don’t have heaters and compressors.

My Substack article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen.

Let’s now compare air and oxygen with the requirements of lung physiology.

Air is measured by its moisture, its humidity.

The lung alveoli requires the air reaching it to be at 100% humidity.

Can you see the mechanism for oxygen toxicity and oxygen poisoning?

Yes, oxygen toxicity is another word for dehydration.

Oxygen is air placed into an artificial dry state. Once released oxygen gas desires to return to its natural state: moist air. When released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots.

The terms: Reactive oxygen species, oxidation and oxidised in physiology are describing dehydration.

Oxygen obviously does not exist naturally.

Oxygen is made into nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to dampen flammability.

Oxygen and nitrogen are not constituents of air but products made from air.

My second article has a demonstration of this.

I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The red blood cells carry salt + water. They are vessels carrying and distributing salt water.

The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygen saturation!

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.

The lungs rehydrate RBCs by adding salt + water to the alveoli capillary beds as they pass through, the RBCs are spongelike and soak up the salt + water, expanding and hydrating.

Just like the saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through venous exposure.

Dehydration is the vector of all dis-ease.

The salt restriction advice intentionally deployed in the 80s has caused the epidemic of chronic diseases.

Eg Dementia is the result of a chronically dehydrated brain. Plaque becomes visible when the tide goes out!

First sign of dehydration is a headache, the brain is very sensitive to hydration.

Why are women more prone to dementia? Women have additional salt requirements to maintain their reproductive mucosa and moisture.


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This is really fascinating. I strongly encourage others to check out this information.

I would normally challenge/debate anyone who's posting something that's either "off topic" or even "shilling" in nature, but after taking a deeper look into this very unique Substack, I'm seeing a very logical argument which could potentially expose another major hidden truth. (It also highlights the importance of repeatable experiments and the strict adherence to the Scientific Method). We encourage others to watch their Youtube Videos which are linked in this article. Ask yourself, "Why can't "virologists" make simplistic videos just like this which actually demonstrate their virology "methods"?

While I still can't say that I fully endorse anything yet, (as I'm still totally brand new to this specific topic), this argument is very compelling and is certainly worth looking into by other members of the truth community.

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BOOSTERshots!? I've recently found your stack and have a love hate relationship with it. Your team here writes like Saga Hana, who does NOT pass the "no germ" comments test and is clearly associated with dear Sasha L. I mention this because this writing style is very attractive to alot of people, but in the spirit of team Boostershots I don't trust anyone and that comparison with Sage looms in the back of my mind.

Yet, it appears that you are fighting for good, but like others that have been on the "right" side you promote "AI" as a tool for good. I don't believe for a second that "AI" is anything but another data harvesting/thought shaping tool for big tech. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe this comment is as test to sus out the "AI theory" psyop.

"AI" seemingly falls out of the sky and we are suppose to believe it's the kryptonite to the super powers that supposedly created it. That's seems ridiculous.

What say you?

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I just reviewed these comments again, and I really wish I had a do-over. I now see that I misread your 2nd sentence, (I was thrown off, and I thought that you believed "my team" was associated with Latypova). That kind of set the tone for the rest of my comment, (although I did try to address each of your concerns). I was pretty tired and blasted when I wrote this originally. Whatever!

I finally spent a few hours reviewing the Sage Hana blog for the first time. I don't like it. I recognize the same all too familiar elusiveness concerning the no-virus position, and you can see this during the back and forth with Sage and Conspiracy Sarah in the commet sections. (She's another one who I hadn't looked into before, but I also get the same weird vibes from her too), which is too bad, because she was one of the "33" that I wanted to reach out to in our FAFO experiment. I didn't see any comments from Sasha, but I only spent an hour or so researching and perhaps she commented more often in the past.

That said, I really don't like the comparison to Sage Hana's writing style, but that's mainly because we put a ton of meticulous effort into writing our "psy-opperifc" articles, while Sage Hana is just a bombardment of daily posts that almost seem weird for weird's sake. But we're all entitled to our opinions of course!

Furthermore, I just recently discovered a great blog called "Plebeian Resistance", (which I really liked a lot), but then I ran into an article they wrote about Boostershots, and they also compared us to Sage Hana! Kill me. Same Team Bro! Here's that article: https://plebeianresistance.substack.com/p/against-igor-chudov

(I'm going to start recommending Plebeian Resistance anyway, cause they're still getting the truth out about no-virus, and that's all that's important to me.)

One final though. You said, "Except I don't feel as optimistic about people waking up."

I'm extremely optimistic that people are waking up to the no-virus reality, to the point where I believe that a mass awakening is inevitable. It's happening before our eyes as we speak. This truth is so incredibly powerful.

HOWEVER, censorship is what I'm really worried about. This is the most important battlefront in my opinion, and I think we should always be "focusing" on this very critical aspect.

You said, "I also worry that we should focus on the next scam because we are being intentionally guided down so many rabbit holes and wasting time."

Focussing our efforts on battling censorship AND exposing the fraud of germ theory is never a waste of time. The Medical Establishment would certainly want us to think that the fraud "germ theory" is just a "rabbit hole" and a "waste of time". All of us who are exposing this truth are worth trillions, including yourself, and the Medical Establishment fears this tremendously.

Thanks for your comments. We always welcome challenges and different opinions.

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I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and can I just preface this comment with: I'm not yelling at you(you are just a username/possibly real). These are just my thoughts screaming from my head to text.

YES, I get the same icky feeling about all the same Stackers that you mention.

I feel like they are in the water, kicking and stirring up all the mud and then they use each other to bolster their opinions and drown voices like mine and yours out of the conversation.

But Ok ok...when everything started...spring 2020. My ears perked up. I opened my eyes. Then I obviously fell smack into the right wing propaganda, Hard, because my morals align with that messaging(Tucker Carlson/FOX, Charlie Kirk, Dan Bongino, Trump, Daily Wire, etc). BUT somehow somewhy I could see the tracks these people were laying down. This circular conversation around hyped up stories to piss people off at enemies that didn't exist. They just keep beating the drum, "Hate immigrants, blacks, Russians, China, lgtb" and so on. Sprinkle in the obvious and long known truths and cry censorship to bolster credibility and gain these cult like followings.

Now I can't unsee that. So when I started reading substack it was a fresh game because there is time and mountains of text for these bad actors to hid behind. It would take years to sift through all the bullshit information and at the end you might not even realize/admit that it was all shit. The article you just wrote was about some bogus "non-science" article and there will be another and another and another.........they will bury us in this mud before any truth will reach a boiling point.

What I see in my little slice of life is that nobody has taken the time or has the capability to see what I see. Maybe you have and the handful of people here and there too, but I don't think I could find a single person in my local community that knows who Tom Cowan is. AND the kicker is, I can tell people about him and Lanka and the Bailey's, and guess what, they could give two shits about questioning their core beliefs because they are to busy with being comfortable and having easy solutions.

I'm not mad at you or whatever. I'm just watching society circle the drain and frustrated at the fact that it could stop if people could just give a damn.

I'm pretty sure everyone I've talked to in the last 3 years has agreed with me that solar panels and electric cars are bad. Bad for us and bad for the environment. BUT after every conversation shoulders are shrugged and ignorance is bliss. "Not my problem, and fuck the next guy."

I don't see your glimmer of hope. Not in man. I see hope in you and me and the handful, but that is pitiful odds.

Side note, there is this stacker Bilbobitch. He's very abrasive, but claims to know alot about everything, especially AI. He talks about it being a useful tool also, but describes it as currently being as good as a monkey throwing shit at a wall. And that's if you can train its machine learning on truthful data sets. Which it's unlikely that most people have access to or discernment of truth.

Once again appreciate your time. There are few people at this layer of the deception. Calling out the liars within the lie within the lie. So your voice is a breath of fresh air. Sorry to be a downer. Maybe you could share your insight on the speading of truth in your neck of the woods.

Take care.

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ROCKET: "BOOSTERshots!? I've recently found your stack and have a love hate relationship with it."

BOOSTERSHOTS: Perfect. Glad you're here challenging our views.

ROCKET: "Your team here writes like Saga Hana"

BOOSTERSHOTS: We're honestly not too familiar with Sage Hana, (we just took a quick look right now)...it seems like a very unique/interesting blog, (which publishes way more often than we do in comparison). We've really gotta look into it more, but by default, we support all blogs/commenters who are actively confronting the fraud of germ theory.

ROCKET: "who does NOT pass the "no germ" comments test and is clearly associated with dear Sasha L."

BOOSTERSHOTS: What is the "'no germ' comments test"?

Why did we not pass the "'no germ' comments test"?

Why did Sage Hana not pass it?

Furthermore, we don't have any association with "dear Sasha L." Other than our very brief interaction in the Absurdistan comments section from December 2nd, what else gives you reason to believe that we have an "association" with Dearest Sasha Latypancakes?

ROCKET: "I mention this because this writing style is very attractive to alot of people, but in the spirit of team Boostershots I don't trust anyone and that comparison with Sage looms in the back of my mind."

BOOSTERSHOTS: Excellent...

ROCKET: "Yet, it appears that you are fighting for good, but like others that have been on the "right" side you promote "AI" as a tool for good."

BOOSTERSHOTS: "Guns", "electricity", and the "internet" are also "tools for good". The problem isn't the "tool", the problem is the authoritarian control over that tool if humanity allows it.

ROCKET: "I don't believe for a second that "AI" is anything but another data harvesting/thought shaping tool for big tech."

BOOSTERSHOTS: Data harvesting and web-scraping is not the same thing as "AI". (Not to defend the unethical practices and privacy invasions related with data harvesting, but that's a totally different debate).

I'd also like to see some evidence of this "thought shaping" process that's supposedly being done with AI. Any examples you could point to that we can break down and examine together? (Or are you speculating about AI in the future?)

AI doesn't have cognitive dissonance like humans do. It's just a super fast and crude "thinking calculator" that can be "trained". It's not creative. As Judge Judy would say, "You don't have to be that smart as long as you tell the truth". AI is going to be a lot more "compatible" with "team truth" than with "team lies" by default.

ROCKET: "Maybe I'm wrong or maybe this comment is as test to sus out the "AI theory" psyop."

BOOSTERSHOTS: You've acknowledged that you might be wrong. Then you proceeded to "fuck-around-find-out." At Club Boostershots, we try to approach every issue with the exact same mentality. Respect.

ROCKET: "'AI' seemingly falls out of the sky and we are suppose to believe it's the kryptonite to the super powers that supposedly created it. That's seems ridiculous."

BOOSTERSHOTS: AI's been in development for a long time, it didn't just fall out of the sky, and it still sucks balls in a lot of aspects. AI still can't write a fake Jon Rappoport article that will fool his readers. AI still can't do a Chris Skyop takedown like Mike Stone just did recently.

Regardless, if our last Boostershots article's title gave this impression, then it's a fair criticism to say "ridiculous". Perhaps a better title might have been,

"AI will support 'Team Truth' much more than 'Team Lies' by default because it takes much less computing power to do so"...or something....

Believe it or not, we were actually working on a Part 2 of the AI post which was abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances in our IRL adventures in Clown World. Perhaps we'll get back to it later.

Lastly, I've actually never heard of the "AI theory" psyop until now. Does this imply that anonymous blogs like Boostershots could be written by AI? Just my guess, as I'm not quite sure what you mean. I suppose I could look up "AI theory psyop" on duckduckgay, but that's no fun!

Could you describe in a sentence or two what the "AI psyop" is?



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Boostershots: "What is the "'no germ' comments test"?"

Rocket: I am referring to your experiment with fucking around and finding out in the comments of substacks that don't question germ theory. Saga Hana, from what I've read(there is way too much), wont cross that line and Sasha is there frequently to help hold this line or frame the conversation in a way that the truth about germ theory is irrelevant. They flip the argument on it's head like Del Bigtree does. To them it is only important to catch the "bad guys" and understanding the truth takes a back seat. I'm not accusing Boostershots of this or having any associations. I just perceived a similarly in writing styles and I have to be suspicious of that, I guess. The internet is impossible to trust.

To the conversation of AI, I have no evidence. I only have my little understanding about the world and a gut feeling. Though, I've thought about this alot and I'm certain that "AI" is a fool's errand because what a human brain does is truly a miracle.

One of the many things that doesn't add up is Tesla was using radar and cameras to perceive what was in front of their vehicles, except they couldn't get the two to agree with each other. And this juggernaut in innovation can't solve this programming issue and just opts to remove the radar, but surely creating an AI that has to account for thousands or more variables at once will be a piece of cake. I think "AI" is just a gimmick and I have a few ideas of their intentions for soliciting human interaction with it. None being good.

Honestly, I don't Know anything and this is just how I see it. Viruses are real, shut up and trust the science. AI is real, shut up and trust the programmers. Quantum particles are real, shut up and trust the physicists. All just ideas and theories. Possible, but improbable.

But anyways, I like where your head is at. Showing the world that viruses are fake is the most important thing that needs to happen. Except I don't feel as optimistic about people waking up. It seems to me that they are putting their heads back down. I also worry that we should focus on the next scam because we are being intentionally guided down so many rabbit holes and wasting time.

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I love that Rothschild Central Banks are at the top of the conspiracy chart. You mean the conspiracy like no US president who has taken action against US central banks has failed to have either a successful or unsuccessful assassination attempt taken against him? That conspiracy? Or that they fund both sides of every war? Or continually steal money from the poor for the elite since their first day of creation in the form of inflation? Or that it's never ever ever ever ever questioned why only they have the power to create unlimited money at will and give it to whoever they want? Or that they create and expand wealth inequality while they are stealing money from the poor to give to the elite? Or that every war can be predicted based on which countries don't have puppet central banks? (only ones left are Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China) Fun fact: The Libyan "rebels" setup central banks before they took Tripoli and took down Ghadaffi.

Do you realize that the government could spend money into existence and eliminate all taxes, all debt and all interest paid on the debt? If it's not a true conspiracy, then someone would be talking about it.

Once the virus debate is settled, it's time to talk about monetary policy, perhaps the only thing more destructive on this planet than big pharma.

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Regarding the dentist and pet vaccines.

I also do not go to the dentist. It's been 15-20 years and I have no issues. I make my own coconut oil-based toothpaste and if I have any tooth issue whatsoever, a few days of coconut oil pulling (swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 15 minutes) and it goes away completely. My teeth are healthier than they were when I went to the dentist every six months. I also remove the fluoride from my drinking water.

Regarding pet vaccines... You know when COVID started and the real estate market tanked? Most of those cheap houses were bought up by subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway, BlackRock, etc. so that someday, no one can own houses and only rent them in the future. Well I was looking for a house to rent at some point a few years ago and noticed that most houses for rent were being offered by these holding companies and all had similar rental requirements. Their pet policy was lenient for the most part. They allowed pets in all of these houses. The kicker was that they had to be verified as completely immunized in order to rent the houses.

Fuck that, fuck them and fuck everything. I'm not killing my cats.

I also don't use shampoo, but I don't have long hair. I just use a bar of good soap.

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OMG, this is a long one so I'll probably post several comments. Comment #1:

"Is there anything in this world that's actually not a fucking lie?"

NO! I turned from full-blown conspiracy theorist to "Every single thing that we at one time thought was real is a total fucking lie!" once I got from HIV and COVID aren't real viruses to there are no viruses at all.

All of history is a lie too. I remember when I was a kid asking my dad why we haven't been back to the moon. Yeah, well why?

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Booster, I’ve missed you! And, back with one of the spiciest takes, I prefer my reading with face slaps, lukewarm half-truths and Masonic shills step aside.

Been subscribed to Nickson and Startle since their early days. Nickson is the real day, an elite turncoat who covers so many of the darker subjects most are afraid to approach, for her pedigree and history she goes incredibly deep, but I don’t believe I’ve read anything team no virus, but do not find that to be her typical wheelhouse. I’m certain she’d be open to it, but don’t know if she would be able articulate the same like the Baileys. Ratio is the shit, he gets it, he’ll take that slice and shove it so far up your normie families’ ass.

Great targets to convert! Another fave, chemtrails.Substack.com, be interesting as his research is all government concocted poisons.

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Here’s another entry for the “conspiracy chart”

The Federal Income Tax is an excise, otherwise known as an indirect tax, which means that if you do not engage in any federally privileged activities, then you have no tax liability.

Unraveling this one puts MONEY BACK IN YOUR POCKET and deprives the liars of their ill-gotten gains.

Right this way ->


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Fabulous stack and critical that we get the no-virus info out there…and shut down The Cult of the Medics, once and for all…

I've been so focused trying to get this tech out of our bodies - and the chems, and the nano tech out of the food, and the frequencies, and being targeted, and the hacking of our biofield...and on and on...that I've been remiss in driving this no-virus home. I didn't think it was the hill to die on, but it is definitely one of the big hills.

I don't have that many subscribers, but they are savvy and I know that some will get onboard. Ratio is a pal of mine too...so fantastic, and I'll contact Conspiracy Sarah and Sage Hana and a few other fabulous friends and see if we can all plan to drop some MOABS on this. Proton Magic pilled me and has been nagging me on this too...you would like him.

As for the Redhead, she is right about shampoos, conditioners, soaps, creams, etc. Q dots in them since 2014...same with Coca Cola and Hersheys - graphene has been in them since then as well - The Quell Project - even mentioned by name back then by Snowden. Check out Celeste Solum if you want to have your mind blown...and find out what else we really need to blow the whistle on...it is soul-crushing info...

I hate that this was ushered into the medical community in the first place...knowing all along that it was a military wetwork weapon...(Noack and La Quinta)

Here's one of mine from awhile back...


Up to my ears in rescue right now, but I'll try to get the word out - at least to my little corner of the ss asylum.

Thx again...such a great stack!

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Thanks for another great article! Hopefully you’ll get a positive response from your 2nd experiment! He sounds promising!

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