I mean, that's the thing: The virus-theory peddlers are the ones with the burden of proof, it's called "evidence." CGI renderings make me LOL, but blatant abuse of Kary Mullis's RT-PCR tool (after they killed him, even), really makes me angry.😡🪓 Their deceptions *will* come to bite them in their collective ass. I mean, they're all "Freemasons" who are *very* *into* asses, so it's gonna be a big looooooong butthole surfing parade.

The problem is that a lot of people will go to their grave clutching their "positive" "Covid" "test results," because they can't handle the fact that they were duped by the fraudsters' big fucking NOTHING.

Thank you for your delightful approach to this madness!

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Sharine, Thanks for supporting. It's very inspiring to have this feedback, especially from an author who's so talented and thought provoking. You've given us positive energy and motivation to keep this idea going in its infancy.

I love all of your comments, and you're always welcome to speak your mind freely on this blog. All of us on the Boostershots team are free speech absolutists. We're very happy you're here.

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Thank you, Boostershots. We've got work to do, but it's important to have fun and also create good relationships along the arduous journey.

As glitchy and clunky as Substack is, I am grateful to be here amongst spiritual warriors like you and your team.

Stay courageous and creative!💖🗡

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