Ask Jessica, https://jessicar.substack.com/

Applied mathematician | Immunologist | computational biologist | molecular biologist | biochemist | musician | writer


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Ask Jessica, https://jessicar.substack.com/

Applied mathematician | Immunologist | computational biologist | molecular biologist | biochemist | musician | writer


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This is brilliant, THANK YOU!

But how/why do you recommend Igor Chudov? He’s a gatekeeper, yes?

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You're right. Believe it or not, I used to be a big fan of Igor way back in the day. I had genuine hope that he was on the brink of understanding our no-virus reality after he published his best article on 3/14/22. I'm always open to a miracle, but I've pretty much lost all hope of getting through to Igor at this point.

We also recognize that it's a little misleading to have him on our recommendations list, (especially for newcomers who don't know anyone yet). We've sadly taken him off, but it's the right thing to do. Our new objective is to expand our recommendations list to include any/all Substack authors who have written at least one article that addresses our no-virus reality. I'm sure there's a lot of authors that we haven't included yet, but we just "green-lighted" this new concept today.

To end things on a positive note, despite Igor being a gatekeeper in our best assessment, we can still embrace his good ideas while we logically refute his false narratives at the same time.

Igor's best Substack article is still worth sharing today! It's a classic. In our view, Igor was "Team-No-Virus" for one day at least! Better than zero!


I'll leave you with some great "no-virus" quotes from Igor himself to put things in context.

"And yet, here we have a very strong alarm signal. Why does a massive decrease in childhood vaccination rate coincide with a massive decline in infant mortality?

Can we think of Florida in 2021 as one big experiment? In 2021, parents who were alarmed by general social developments, randomly decided to NOT give their babies the “scheduled shots”. Coincidentally, mortality among precious Florida babies actually DECREASED very significantly.

14 percent decrease in vaccination coverage, is associated with 9 percent decrease in infant mortality.


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Hey this was great, but I'm kind of surprised you didn't list "The Viral Delusion" doc series! www.theviraldelusion.com

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The Viral Delusion is epic. Part 1 really deserves to be on this list. (We actually hadn't viewed it until somewhat recently).

Now that we have seen it, we absolutely recommend it. It's truly a masterpiece that can awaken a lot of newcomers. Part 1 is especially great for people who are still brand new or in the beginning stages of learning.

It's an honor that you reached out to us. Thanks for everything you've done to expose this most powerful hidden truth.

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Impressive collection of resource, thanks for the effort!

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good and simple site and easy mini flyers to take action spread the word

put on cars, tape to gas pumps etc. we need ordinary activists

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Very good article, and Dr. Robert Young should be on this list of well-known and very vocal truth speakers about terrain ‘theory’.

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Revelation 18 23

“… all nations were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia)!

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Great article

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Well done. Very well done. Should be published in a book.

Thanks for the link/mention of the Kirsch interview with Gunnels. Watching it now and it is nauseating.

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Songs of Covid Conformity and Complacency

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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks indeed for your post. I appreciate the links and the analogies which are both funny and useful.

I don't know if are aware but I have been trying to engage on the virus debate although I say that there is no mutant bug rather the exosome, a friend and not foe. I equate it to the dustbin/garbage men taking away debris from the cell factories.

Otherwise everything was a scam and I managed to work it out without reference to any of the listed people except possibly Jon Rappaport but only in minor way I believe. I have since read more of his work. Christine Massey is very helpful but Sam Bailey is particularity good.

Anyway although others were there before me I did manage to get all the basics by June 2020 when I set up my site. I now fight on the net to get the truth out.

I have tried engaging with Steve Kirsch to no avail as well as A Midwestern Doctor who seems to ignore the blinding obvious points I make and refuses to engage properly despite the fact I like much of what he/she says and thank them for it.

Igor Chudov is a bit odd with his stance on the virus although I haven't tried directly engaging with him that I recall. I have to say I sometimes wonder about the alleged readership numbers of some people and whether it is possible these have been manipulated.

Anyway if you are a ll interested I have done this overview. I appreciate that it might not set out the issues of disease and that there are no infectious diseases, but my main concern was the virus lie. I do use humour to help make the points and am not PC.


I have a Covid 19 Summary in the above (most of my stuff is on WordPress where I started in 2020) but this is on substack which sets the ball rolling and on its own account should have been enough to make anyone question what was going on.


Anyway, many thanks again.

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But HIV is real, I've seen people suffer from it's effect, suddenly when they take Arv become better

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You've seen people suffer from the drugs used to treat it.

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But the "Pimple Virus" is real, I've seen teenagers suffer from its effect, suddenly when they use Oxy-Zit-Face-Wipes they become better...

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Very true

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"These entities are controlled opposition, and their main priority is to do everything they can to steer new people away from learning the real truth about this topic."

If you are saying Sasha Latypova is controlled opposition - that she is not speaking the truth as best she sees it but is instead going along with some script/party line - then you are delusional.

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I had a lot of hope for Sasha when I first learned about her a few months ago, as she said a lot of great things. However, I quickly realized that she was actively ignoring the no-virus problem. This issue is too big to ignore at this point.

When Sasha's views on the no-virus position were directly challenged, she illogically responded in the same predictable manner as the other entities I've listed previously. If you happen to be one of Sasha's subscribers, then please review the comment section of this article she wrote on March 24th: (There's a paywall unfortunately).


Please read this article from Christine Massey regarding her exchange with Sasha concerning the no-virus problem. (No paywall)


This mini debate, (and especially the way Sasha handled it), confirmed my suspicions.

I do not believe Sasha is "speaking the truth as best she sees it." Perhaps you could ask Sasha to remove the paywall for that article so that other people can make their own informed judgment?

I have explained my reasoning for claiming that Sasha and others are controlled opposition in this article that I hope you will enjoy:


Thank you for this comment, hopefully you have inspired others to look deeper into this issue.

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I think this blog is fantastic. I recommend it.

But it must be noted that the very first line of this post--the most read post on the entire blog--is 100% wrong: The end of "germ theory" is MOST ASSUREDLY NOT the most important event in all of humanity.

It is debatable what that most important event was, but it most certainly occurred about 2000 years ago in the mostly-arid lands at the far eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

Both the Annunciation and the Resurrection can validly lay claim to the distinct honor--perhaps the Nativity of Our Lord, as well.

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The Steve Kirsch vs "Patrick Gunnels" debate makes "team no virus" look bad. I suggest you look into that a bit more because I see you FREQUENTLY sourcing that video, and in my opinion its a bit embarrassing. Almost like referencing Poornima Wagh... see this substack (scroll down a bit, it does discuss Poornima, but it also discusses the curious case of "Patrick Gunnels" a\k\a “Derek Knauss”, a\k\a, “Robert Oswald”)


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Patrick Gunnels did not fraudulently claim to have specific scientific credentials or degrees, (as is the case with Ms Wagh). Whether or not one agrees with Mr Gunnels's politics, values, mannerisms, or media content, his' background is still legitimate as he claims.

Mr Gunnels was unfairly slandered by three other newsletters which all falsely claimed that he was impersonating another individual named "Derek Knauss", when in fact Patrick was simply QUOTING this other person. The "newspapers" in question who all went along with this never bothered to contact Patrick Gunnels to begin with. Notably, the video "evidence" used to make this ridiculously false claim abruptly begins with Patrick's reading of a direct quote, (leaving no context as to what was said before). This is incredibly obvious and purposefully deceptive.

In Patrick's own words in response written on July 23rd, 2022,

"I do a show where I read stuff to the audience. I read that thing out loud and someone ELSE clipped it. That's literally all that happened. OTHER PEOPLE took that clip and made up my name based on incomplete information. I never claimed to be anyone other than Patrick Gunnels, and your implying so is grounds for a defamation suit."

This coordinated effort to slander Patrick reeks of "controlled opposition" tactics, not "carelessness".

Here's what Claire Goforth wrote about Patrick in a news publication called "The Daily Ditz".

"So how did the video of Gunnels, a Libertarian Former Candidate for Congress, get falsely attributed to the so-called Dr. Knauss? It’s not clear. (The Daily Dot was not able to obtain contact information for Gunnels.)

It appears that someone downloaded a copy of Gunnels’ video, added the name “Dr. Derek Knauss” to it, and posted it. From there, the previously debunked misinformation spread, gradually infecting the right-wing conspiracy theorist internet ecosystem, where it continues spreading to present day.

Same conspiracy, different day."


We still firmly believe that this debate could help many newcomers understand the overall gist things surrounding the no-virus issue. Debates like this don't happen anymore, and that's unfortunate.

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Great work. I guess that I would be a bit nicer about calling people "controlled" opposition. Malone has a "partner" who was a "former" CIA agent!? And Malone created vaccines and declares that viruses exist. He is NOT opposition (haha). Steve Kirsch, well, just seems like a rich guy who is WRONG. But at least he is not trying to kill me. Same with Mercola.

Thank you again for being an advocate for truth and justice and freedom.

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