Virus "Denialism" for Beginners. (Germ Theory for Dummies). 3rd Edition - 06/25/23
A List of 11 Important Sources for Anyone Who's Just Starting to Learn the Basics. (Links and Descriptions Included after the Introduction).
(Please go here to view earlier editions of this article)
The end of "germ theory" is the most important event in all of humanity happening right now.
There is no such thing as "contagious disease."
"Viruses" DO NOT exist.
Bacteria DO exist, but they are NOT "contagious".
Upon first hearing such radical statements, staunch skepticism is not only the natural response, it's the correct response. Any objective free thinking person should rightfully question these extremely bold claims based on their own life experiences and education.
What about Polio?
What about AIDS?
The Common Cold?
You mean to tell me that ALL viruses really don't exist?!
How could this possibly be true?
And if this really is true, then why do we get sick?
The information and links presented below will lead you to a plethora of answers for the many questions you should rightfully be asking. This blog was created to inspire other free thinkers to research this topic on their own, and to help motivate the brave leaders within the medical and science communities who are exposing this ultimate pinnacle of truth.
There was NO Covid19 "pandemic".
A globally orchestrated campaign of fear and confusion was forced onto the unsuspecting public by the powerful elites of the medical establishment.
The vast majority of all Covid19 "deaths" were fraudulently created by using a simple name-changing scheme. At the onset of the "pandemic" in March of 2020, millions of elderly people who were already normally dying from common “old people medical conditions” were suddenly reclassified into "COVID19 victims" instead. Hospitals and nursing homes were simply given extra money, (with no questions asked), if "Covid19" was cited on medical records or death certificates. These massive "Covid Death Counts" were additionally spiked because hospitals were essentially bribed to kill their own patients using ventilators and toxic drug cocktails, so long as those patients were "diagnosed" with "Covid19" first.
Money, confusion, panic, and order-following were the driving factors which enabled these medical "professionals" to do what they did.
There has been a lot of misguided debate concerning the supposed "origins" of "Covid19". The "Lab Leak Theory" and "Gain of Function" are just more fakes stories to cover for the original "Virus Came from a Bat Theory Story", (which has finally been exposed as a fraud in the mainstream media). These new false narratives have been specifically designed to keep us distracted and led astray from the ultimate real truth: "Viruses" do NOT exist.
The fraudulent "PCR Test" is a significant element supporting the entire "virus" scam.
"PCR", (which stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction), is a molecular amplification technique which has been grossly misused to literally invent millions of imaginary "Positive Covid19 Cases".
Suppose we observe a small bead of sweat on a man's forehead with a magnifying glass. Can we then conclude that his wife spiked his dinner with a ghost pepper? We don't have any evidence of the "ghost pepper", we only have evidence of sweat to make this unproven speculation.
The PCR test technique admittedly does not "test" for the "virus" itself.
The PCR technique, (invented by Kary Mullis), exponentially amplifies a tiny “piece” of relatively common genetic material that every human on Earth has at least some of in their body! If enough amplification “cycles” are conducted, then everyone one Earth would also test "positive" for what molecule the test is “looking for”.
The health authorities have fraudulently claimed that the “detection” of this ludicrously amplified targeted molecule during an arbitrarily decided upon threshold of “cycles” is “proof” of the “ghost pepper virus” that your wife must have "spiked" you with!
However, this analogy is not totally accurate, as a ghost pepper does in fact, exist.
It is still certainly possible that the bead of sweat we observed on the man could have been caused by his wife's "ghost pepper contamination".
Now let's say that you find a dollar bill under your pillow. Does this does "confirm" the presence of the "tooth fairy"?
The Tooth Fairy could NEVER be a real possibility, because the tooth fairy does not exist. There is no "evidence" of the "tooth fairy", despite millions of "grownups" around the world who make this authoritative false claim to their children.
"Viruses" are just like the "Tooth Fairy", but for grownups.
Or rather,
"Viruses" are just like the "Boogieman", but for grownups.
The "flu like symptoms" we experience when we "get sick" are simply part of our body's natural detoxification process, just like sneezing or “using the bathroom”. People appear to get sick "together" because they are often exposed to the same bad diets, stress factors, or other environmental conditions, not because they are "spreading" contagious little monsters to each other.
A group of men often need to urinate much more frequently when they drink beer and watch football together…
Is the football game on TV causing this increase in urination?
Or is all the loud yelling causing the increase?
Maybe it was the beer?
Or could it be a new “novel” virus which scientists have just recently named: “Footballuss Urinatious Releavatus Yellowpox Virus” - (more commonly known as the “FURY virus.”)
Because your common cold natural cleansing process expels a lot of waste and dead cellular debris which might contain this same piece of "genetic material" that this PCR “test” is "looking for", then you may have a greater chance of reaching that arbitrary amplification threshold level that's been determined by the health authorities to be considered "COVID19 positive", therefore, your non-contagious flu cleansing process is blamed on an imaginary deadly virus...and you just might have to be quarantined in a FEMA camp...(but it's all for your health and safety of course).
This "positive PCR result" has absolutely nothing to do with an imaginary "virus"! The Nobel Prize Winning inventor of the PCR technique, Kary Mullis, has also clearly stated this in recent history. The reason we don’t hear from Kary Mullis anymore is because he tragically died on August 15th, 2019…right before the “pandemic” started.
While the health authorities claim that the “PCR test” confirms a tiny "piece" of the "whole" virus, they don't have a whole Covid19 "virus" to compare this tiny piece to in the first place!
Understanding this aspect is critical, and it's the main lynchpin still keeping this fraud "alive".
The "Covid19 virus" has never been isolated in any scientific laboratory.
Isolation is a scientific term which essentially means to find whatever specific "thing" or "kind of thing" that you are looking for inside any given scientific sample, (like a drop of blood or urine), and then separating out only those specific tiny "things" from the rest of the stuff in that sample).
Scientists have properly isolated many different types of microorganisms, proteins, or other extremely tiny particles, (many of which are even smaller than these imaginary "viruses" are supposed to be), yet these same scientists give us all sorts of lame excuses as to why they CAN'T isolate ANY "viruses", (even though an "infected" person supposedly contains hundreds of billions of these "things"). The health authorities have been repeatedly forced to admit this unequivocal fact, and they hate it.
Virologists do not conduct repeatable experiments with the use of controls to prove their "germ theory".
Virologists systematically avoid The Scientific Method, because they have to.
Virology is not "science", it is a massive money-making fraud.
This war over "germ theory" is so much bigger than most people realize. I predict that the evil elites will attempt to shut down the internet before they allow this ultimate hidden truth to be revealed to the masses. Substack is one of the few places left where people can still freely debate this topic without fear of censorship.
While there are many prominent doctors and scientists who have been rightfully warning the public about the devastating dangers of the "mRNA injections", most of them still strictly adhere to the "germ theory". This includes prominent advocates like Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr David Martin, A Midwestern Doctor, Steve Kirsch, Sasha Latypova, and Igor Chudov, (just to name a few). Perhaps you're a big fan of some of these individuals.
I used to be a big fan of many of them too, especially when I first began my quest for learning more about "Covid19". While many of these people were rightfully condemning the "mRNA vaccines", I soon realized that there was something else very strange about how ardently they would avoid or attempt to discredit anyone who dared to question the "germ theory" or the existence of "viruses". These are the same people who have labeled us as "virus deniers".
These entities are controlled opposition, and their main priority is to do everything they can to steer new people away from learning the real truth about this topic. I have reached this conclusion based on the multiple facts and circumstances which differentiates them from other individuals within the "truth community". But it's always up to YOU, the independent free thinker, to make your own judgment about that. We're just glad you're here with an open mind.
The controlled opposition forces mentioned above don't like the term "germ theory", (and they never speak of it), even though it's an established scientific term. They'd much rather continue to have the uninformed public keep on believing that their "germ" theory is a proven scientific fact, with supposedly tons of verified experiments to support their case, but they have NEVER done any such experiments...
This list of 11 sources is the perfect place for any beginner to start learning.
Every one of these terrific content creators listed below has their own special uniqueness to them, and we truly hope that someone on this list will make a real mental connection with you. This knowledge will give you instant power which can be put to good use immediately!
The authors of this blog are overworked and exhausted parents who've literally been driven insane by the medical tyranny that we've all been subjected to over the last 3 years. We just want our world to be a better place for our children. None of the authors of Boostershots have any medical or scientific "credentials". We hope you will be inspired and compelled to do your own research.
1. The Origins of Covid 19
(31 Minutes) "The Origins of Covid 19" is the best introductory video currently available for anyone who's still in the beginning stages of learning. Dr Sam Bailey brilliantly summarizes the basics of the Covid19 scam before explaining how the total fraud of virology has been used to enslave humanity for over a century. Genetic sequencing, the lack of controlled experiments, and many other basic elements of "virology" are all covered quickly yet concisely in this incredible video presentation.
Dr Sam Bailey has generated an enormous amount of new and refined content since the 2nd Edition of this list was published last November. It must also be noted that Sam's husband, Dr Mark Bailey, has been integral in this epic battle against the medical establishment. "A Farewell to Virology" is a ground breaking scientific essay which thoroughly details the fraud of virology in 67 pages. It's an exceptional piece of work, yet we highly recommend the other material on this list before jumping into this intensive "expert edition" if you're still a newcomer. But we also respect your decision to conduct your own research in any manner that you want!
The Baileys also produced a terrific "101 style" introductory video last year titled "Virology Nights", (23 Minutes), which addresses the fraud of the germ theory in general. We would have certainly recommended this amazing "101 style" video originally, but in our opinion, we strongly believe that the more recent "Origins of Covid19" is still the best for first time noobs, although "Virology Nights" is a terrific 2nd place runner up!
"Rabies" is one of the most common and rightfully questioned "viruses" by many new comers. You will find many criticisms of the No-Virus crowd along the lines of, "Go ahead and get bit by a rabid dog and see what happens to you!" Well, go ahead and watch this classic Sam Bailey video if you really want to find out! This short 17 minute video is perfect for any beginner or animal lover, and it's also one of our personal favorites! What About Rabies?
2. The End of Germ Theory
(2 hours, 36 minutes). It's still my absolute favorite. It's a lot of people's favorite. Perfect for beginner noobs. So if you can make enough time, get a big bowl of popcorn, grab some beers, and let this film speak for itself. Steve Falconer's commanding presence and humor will keep you intrigued and captivated for hours. All of the main concepts which expose the fraud of “germ theory” are covered thoroughly. Not only was this video banned from YouTube, but other people were losing their entire social media channels if they dared to even link it when it first came out in June of 2021. (The 1st edition of this film was originally titled "Germs"). We're thrilled to see that a lot of other people are posting this bitchute link in multiple Substack comment sections. It really can't be posted enough. Ten's of thousands of additional views have been achieved since the 1st Edition of this list was published last August. This video is legendary. Caution: These red pills are military grade.
3. The Truth About Small Pox
(1 hour, 8 minutes). Katie Sugak released this exceptional "101 style" video on September 16th, 2022. This presentation focusses primarily on "small pox", but it ties everything else together with a close examination of the massive fraud behind "germ theory", (both now and in our ancient past). Katie's tone is calm, elementary, informative, and eye opening. If I had to explain this difficult subject to a young child, then this would be the perfect video. It is presented with beautifully spoken English narration which was translated from Katie's native Russian. My only criticism is that there is not a an English subtitled version, as I'd really prefer to hear Katie's own voice, but that's just me! Regardless, it's a must-watch video for all beginners who are just starting to learn about this most important topic of all humanity during our present time.
4. Dr Tom Cowan
Part 1: What Doesn't Make You Sick (1 hour, 10 min)
Part 2: What Does Make You Sick (1 hour, 9 min)
Dr Tom Cowan is one of the most highly regarded leaders of "Team No-Virus". Tom's objective matter-of-fact style is incredibly warm and friendly, yet ruthlessly no-nonsense at the same time. He's got tons of great videos which dive deep into all kinds of problems and mysteries surrounding the "germ theory", the terrain theory, and much much more. This man will make you question things about health in ways that you never thought of before. I'd say that a lot of Tom's content might be a little too esoteric for first time beginners, however, this 2-Part video lecture he recently produced really breaks down the basics, and it's a terrific starting point for anyone who's just still brand new to all of this.
5. Dr Stefan Lanka
(7 minute video in German with English subtitles)
Dr Stefan Lanka is the most prominent outspoken virologist who is actively refuting the "germ theory" directly in the laboratory setting. In this short video, Dr Lanka describes his simple controlled experiment which unequivocally proves the real reasons which cause the cytopathic effects in any cell culture experiment. The term “cytopathic effects”, (also known as CPE), is simply the visual evidence of a cell being harmed or killed under a microscope.
Virologists fraudulently claim that these “cytopathic effects” are caused by imaginary “viruses” despite zero evidence of them. In reality this harming and killing of cells is always caused by the toxic soup of poisonous chemicals that's nefariously added in all of their “cell culture” experiments.
Poison is real. Viruses are fake. It’s all an act.
Dr Lanka simplistically shows that the imaginary “virus” could essentially be on vacation while the poison does its “job”.
The “tooth fairy analogy” also applies to these bogus cell culture experiments which virologists claim to prove the existence of viruses:
The cytopathic effects dollar bills that we observe under our pillow do not confirm the existence of a virus the tooth fairy.
This short video is very nerdy and much less glamorous than the other presentations we've listed above, but Dr Lanka's very important evidence-based work is absolutely essential to understand for all beginners…and only 7 minutes!
6. Jon Rappoport
No one else has exposed the virus fraud from as many different angles as Jon has, particularly when it comes to how false narratives like "The Lab Leak Theory" are used to cover up and obscure what's really going on. As an investigative journalist and a passionate free thinker, Rappoport's been at the forefront of this battle for over 30 years and counting. His razor sharp logic and unique writing style are incredibly powerful, and his imaginative use of language can make you feel like you're both teammates in the same lucid dream. Jon also writes about many other important topics that you'll find fascinating. Here's a great place to start reading in Jon's website that specifically outlines the virus fraud, (especially if you're a first-time reader who's still unfamiliar with the No-Virus position and the Jon's work).
We additionally recommending his exceptional Substack, starting with whatever article he happened to post most recently. Jon's unparalleled mastery of words really inspired us to start our own amateur blog, and his influence in our own writing is undeniable.
7. Christine Massey
Christine Massey has used multiple Freedom of Information Act Requests to compel pretty much every major government and "scientific institution" on Earth to admit in writing that no "virus" of any kind has been isolated...ever. Christine has collected a mountain of unequivocal documented evidence that completely annihilates any perceived credibility that the medical establishment still holds over the uninformed public. Like Dr Lanka, Christine's work isn't as glamorous or easy when compared to the other introductory content listed above, but if you just so happen to be a "Show Me the Money" type of person who wants to go straight to the hard evidence, then please start here. Censorship is the only effective weapon remaining in the medical establishment's arsenal which can stop her at this point, but so long as the freedom of speech still exists, these evil medical elites will be forced to keep eating Christine's bullets of acceptance.
8. Eleanor McBean Ph.D., N.D.
The Poisoned Needle
(415 Pages, 1st Edition published 1957)
Swine Flu Expose
(62 Page Novella published 1977)
Of the many prominent books written over that last century which expose the true dangers of all “vaccines”, The Poisoned Needle really stands out. The medical establishment would like Dr Eleanor McBean's history to be completely erased. Her Wikipedia page was "deleted" in 2015 without any explanation. Why is that?
Not only is this a must-read novel for anyone who wants to know the real truth about "vaccines" in the past, but it also exposes the fraud of "germ theory" in great depth. This book is full of historical charts and statistics for those who want detailed facts and hard evidence. There are dozens of quotes and stories from other doctors who were in charge of vaccine programs during these early times, many of whom became awakened and tried to stop them...but to no avail. This book is an absolute classic from 65 years ago. If Eleanor McBean had the power and reach of the internet during her time, then this war would have been won many decades ago.
UPDATE: Speaking of “history being erased”, we’re now compelled to document the very recent “deletion” of “” itself…the entire website is now dead.
This website had previously documented Wikipedia’s “deletion” of Eleanor McBean in 2015, and it was still alive less than 6 months ago. Sadly this is all that you will now find now:
Please ask yourself, “Why is this happening…again?”
Wikipedia has their own explanation about the deletion of if you’d like to search further.
Now the public will never be able to see the original Wikipedia page for Eleanor McBean which was preserved on, unless they are savvy enough to view it on The Way Back Machine…and who knows how long that will last.
Whether or not you agree with the no-virus position, please ask yourself again:
Why was this woman deleted from Wikipedia in 2015?
It’s an honor be a part of the preservation of this incredible woman’s history. It’s really up to the truth community to keep preserving the information from the past that the establishment desperately wants to eliminate. Here’s a quick screenshot:
This terrific website was created by a nutritionist who became very passionate about exposing the germ theory fraud many years ago, (well before the Covid19 scam began). Mike Stone provides a plethora of extremely well organized information along with meticulously cited sources, and it's written in a very straightforward easy-to-understand manner. is kind of like a "201 level" college course curriculum, or perhaps a "No-Virus Encyclopedia" which explains all the basics, but in much greater detail than any of the previous introductory "101 style" videos that we have listed already. This website contains tons of detailed quotes and links to scientific research papers, and it's especially useful if you have any specific questions which need further clarification. Regardless of its immense thoroughness, is still a great place for any beginner to start off, especially if you're someone who prefers to read instead of watching video presentations. Mike Stone started a relatively new Substack which has a lot of excellent recent articles specifically concerning the fraud of virology.
10. The “Steve Kirsch vs Patrick Gunnels Debate
(1 hour, 40 minutes). A lot of understanding can be grasped from this unique “debate”. Many entities in the "alternative media" have chosen to either ignore or avoid debating the leading individuals who support the No-Virus position, despite rapidly growing public interest.
Big fish like Tucker Carlson won't touch it, and smaller fish like Del Bigtree lose their minds whenever his viewers question him, (as he'd much rather talk about "gain of function" and "lab leaks" instead)...anything to avoid debate over the heart of the matter.
Last Summer, Steve Kirsch "debated" Patrick Gunnels while actively avoiding the leading individuals in support of the no-virus position, (as well as many other prominent people within the truth community who actively wanted to debate him, like Frances Leader for example). Even more bizarrely, Steve attempted to push a ridiculous false narrative that nobody would ever debate him to begin with!
(There's an enormous amount of complicated backstory surrounding this event, and we've made a conscious decision to omit that, solely because it would easily triple the length of this entire post and defeat its main intended purpose. We encourage everyone to do their own research by reading Steve's older Substack posts which specifically concern this issue here, here, here, and here, (especially the responses in those comment sections).
Patrick Gunnels is not a doctor, and he's definitely not considered to be a "leader" or even one of the more prominent voices supporting the no-virus position. He covers a wide variety of different political topics on his podcast, and he does not solely focus on the fraud of "germ theory" like this blog and many other do.
However, Steve Kirsch significantly underestimated the intelligence of this relatively unknown underdog, which is what makes this debate all the more fascinating! We're not implying that Patrick was perfect...but he did exceptionally well under the circumstances, and Steve got his clock cleaned thoroughly.
In our opinion, the Kirsch/Gunnels debate is great example of a failed attempt by the controlled opposition to "bury the hatchet" in the No-Virus Position. This scheme backfired tremendously, and ultimately resulted with a "buried hatchet" fatally lodged into Steve Kirsch's credibility instead.
One can only imagine how brutal this thing might have gone down had Steve entered the ring with one of the prominent and formidable No-Virus warriors like Dr Tom Cowan or John Calvin Jones PhD, JD for example...
Steve's clock wouldn't have just been cleaned, it would have been utterly vaporized. But that's just my speculation, and there's no doubt that Mr Gunnels deserves the full credit for this amazing accomplishment.
Enough of this hype! If you're a person who really enjoys rigorous open debate like I do, then I hope you'll watch this one and make your own informed judgement.
11. Comment Sections on Substack.
Discovering many heated online discussions regarding the "germ theory" was a pivotal aspect which awakened me to the truth. The Substack comment sections are a treasure trove of enlightenment. While many of the thoughtful ideas and logical criticisms offered by the skeptics of "germ theory" are illuminating, the illogical responses and reactions from the "germ defenders" are even more telling.
Last November, not too long after the 1st edition of this article was published, a very prominent Substacker named Igor Chudov bizarrely claimed that this Boostershots Blog was the "coordinating website of the no-virus psyop". At that time, "Boostershots" was barely a few months old, and we had hardly any readership. This was another attempt to try and "bury the hatchet" into the no-virus position, which backfired once again. The comment section of Igor's infamous Boostershots article would soon transform into one of the greatest "Viruses Don't Exist" debates of all time, with over 2000 comments!
(There’s also a great little mini-debate which occurred in this comment section after the 2nd Edition was published last November).
Many of the other prominent controlled opposition entities we've mentioned have also generated enormous debate about the "germ theory" within their own Substacks. You will often find that "banning" people is used as a last resort when their illogical arguments are exposed, because the last thing the germ pushers want is for any new free thinkers to read those discussions and discover the truth!
Censorship is the medical establishment's only effective weapon that still remains in their arsenal. They're absolutely desperate to end all discussion over the fraud of "germ theory". There's around 10 trillion dollars per year that's at stake for them! So long as the freedom of speech exists, the fraud of germ theory WILL eventually be exposed to every living human on Earth. More and more people are waking up and speaking out. Awareness has grown exponentially since the 1st edition of "Virus Denialism for Beginners" was published last summer. Our children's lives are at stake, and destroying this "germ theory" monster is the key to saving their future.
There is a tremendous new endeavor called "The End of Covid" which begins On July 11th, 2023. A new online library containing over 100 hours of refined content is scheduled to be released to the public, with the intention of exposing the fraud of germ theory once and for all. Most of the heavy hitters from “Team-No Virus” are participating, so of course we wish everyone all the best! We encourage everyone to check it out!
Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please remember that this "list" was comprised of our personal selections, and we particularly catered it to "101-style" introductory content intended for people who are brand new to all of this. There are so many other important individuals who were not mentioned in this article, but we can't turn up the volume past "11", as that would defy the laws of physics.
I've noticed more terrific people are making similar articles like this one, and that's a wonderful thing to see. I encourage those people and everyone else to post their information and links in this comment section. Your thoughtful ideas, harsh criticisms, and harsher insults are all highly valued, and welcomed with open arms.
Listen to everyone, trust no one, and keep searching for truth!
(All comments written before 6/25/23 are in response to the 2nd Edition of this article, which was originally posted on 11/23/22. An archive of those earlier editions can be found here.
I fly pretty low under the radar so, you may have missed these.
Jan 11 2021 -
Oct 5 2021 -
Jan 23 2022 -
Jan 29 2022 -
Aug 6 2022 -
I'm a doctor.
Never fell for the plandemic.
Started a group of doctors to push back against all the covid insanity and harms.
Majority in the group believe viruses / spike proteins exist.
Feel like the common people / medical community standing up against covid are desperately lacking role models so will latch onto and buy anything the heavyweights say, can't help feeling they're falling into a trap of cult of personality.
Undecided if they're all controlled opposition (some I'm more certain of) or just slow on the uptake and realisation.